
a planet
for adults


Virtual world has ceased
to be only visual -
add feelings, emotions
and monetize your content


The project description

Development of virtual reality ecosystem that adopts the functionality of blockchain technology and innovation in creating a Metaverse for adult entertainment content.

While doing creative work and implementing their ideas via innovative IT technologies, each participant gets an opportunity to earn money.

Using the growing VR market with the purpose to integrate it in SPINTRIA. Businesses and actors will create and monetize their content according to current realities and best practices. Contents can be building and maintaining brothels, clubs, and strip bars in the metaverse.

the aim of the project
The aim of the project

Extend the world of adult entertainment to the metaverse and provide solutions to the problems of the adult entertainment industry.

What we do

We are developing a platform where each participant can monetize content according to current realities and best practices

The result

Monetization of internet traffic, high capitalization, development of the market and technologies.

The users’
at the platform

get pleasure

To boost the effect of full immersion and gain new sensations from viewing adult content, it is now sufficient to be a happy owner of a "smart gadget" and have access to our service. Here you can find a wide choice of content (including VR).

The content is mostly accompanied by vibrotracks, which will enliven the device and enhance the viewing experience. Blockchain in this case ensures transparent paying for goods and services on our website.

View the scheme
Pleasure and entertainment

Do you know what should the viewing experience be? Create your own vibrotracks, post them on our website and get money from other users. Each user of our service has an opportunity to record their own vibrotrack version for the content they like. The newly created track will be assigned to the content.

At the discretion of the user who created the track, the content can be distributed either free or for a fee. In the case of paid distribution of the content created by the user, blockchain ensures transparency of mutual settlements and observance of copyrights within the platform.

Посмотрите схему
Location of feedback events on the timeline

Do you dream about making your own video? Our service will give you this opportunity. At the discretion of the user the content created may be:

  • made for private use
  • uploaded to the service for either free or paid access of other website users.

In the case of paid distribution of the user created content, blockchain ensures transparency of mutual settlements and observance of copyright.

Посмотрите схему
recording video/audio/taking photos
publishing your content

Issues in the contemporary market

Take part in the development of the modern market where all the participants benefit

  • Lack of modern business models
  • Lack of opportunity to monetize internet traffic
  • Problems of anonymity and confidentiality
  • Low-income content creators
  • High commissions that minimize earnings
  • Lack of a developed market for the equipment with open API and software with augmented reality (VR)

The scheme of the service operation

Who will benefit from our service

Today, when searching for quality content a user can face viruses, pirated torrents and other difficulties.

Main modules
Tags and video Development and sales Content store Orders for the content Private communication LEGO kit Exchange Own device
with open API
Cryptocurrency Of Blockchain
The device
and synchronization
with video content

Today, when searching for quality content a user can face viruses, pirated torrents and other difficulties.

Main modules
Tags and video Development and sales Content store Orders for the content Private communication LEGO kit Exchange Own device
with open API
Cryptocurrency Of Blockchain
The device
and synchronization
with video content

Today, when searching for quality content a user can face viruses, pirated torrents and other difficulties.

Cryptocurrency Of Blockchain
The device
and synchronization
with video content
Main modules
Tags and video Development and sales Content store Orders for the content Private communication LEGO kit Exchange Own device
with open API

Today, when searching for quality content a user can face viruses, pirated torrents and other difficulties.

Cryptocurrency Of Blockchain
The device
and synchronization
with video content
Main modules
Tags and video Development and sales Content store Orders for the content Private communication LEGO kit Exchange Own device
with open API


Supply and demand characteristics of $SPIA Token
  • Initial circulating supply 30%
  • Funding Pool Reserve 30%
  • Operations & Fund Pool 15%
  • Liquidity Mining Programs 10%
  • Marketing & Development 10%
  • Testers & Bounty 5%


We will develop a platform for adults that is able to conquer the world and take pleasure to the new level!

1 October 2015 Development of a gadget idea

Development of a vibro-gadget idea for adults

2 February - April 2016 Development of a 3D Model

Development of a 3D Model.

Development of a vibro-gadget prototype

3 October 2016 Upgrade of ideas

Upgrade ideas for creating a vibro-gadget for adults with managed labels when watching video content

4 October 2017 Preparation of Pre-ICO

Preparation of project Pre-ICO documentation

5 March 30, 2018 Start Pre-ICO

Start Pre-ICO

6 June 22, 2018 Pre-ICO finish

Pre-ICO finish

7 July - December 2018 Private funds raised, ICO preparation

Private funds raised. Preparing the project for the ICO.

Create a legal entity and search for employees.

Development of a beta application.

Develop and create gadgets with an open API. Marketing, purchase of licenses for broadcasting.

Adaptation of business under the laws of countries in which the application and site will be available

8 December 2018 Prototype (MVP) is live!

Prototype (MVP) is live!

9 22.12.2018 ICO Start

ICO Start
Aggressive marketing, organizing exhibitions and events to attract potential customers, adult content producers. Manufacturers of gadgets for adult entertainment. Conclusion of contracts, preparation of material and technical basis for entering the international level

10 June 2019 Summarizing

End of ICO
Summarizing. Distribution of funds according to White paper. Work on launching the site, setting up equipment, testing devices for compatibility, adapting the application to different countries. Preparation of all necessary documentation for site launch

11 March - September 2019 SPINTRIA Token Exchange Listing

SPINTRIA Token Exchange Listing

12 June 2020 Start of the SPINTRIA platform

Start of the SPINTRIA platform

Types of earnings and scalability

The SPINTRIA platform, which contains planets, provides beneficial conditions to develop the planets, earn in all the orbits, use interesting and exciting services for learning, recreation and entertainment.

Planets are services located on the orbits of the SPINTRIA platform; there can be unlimited number of services and each of them has the monetization ability.

Each orbit is a service that accumulates functionalities and its own capabilities.
Stretch of imagination can be limitless.

NFT marketplace
The device and synchronization
with VR and video content
Tags in a video Development and sales
Content store
Virtual brothel
Orders for the content

Our team
